Saturday, July 31, 2010

Give me advice on how to forgive someone,can you?

If they are willing, get them to explain why exactly they did whatever they did. Try and understand their reasons and you will feel more sympathy. Make sure they deserve it though!Give me advice on how to forgive someone,can you?
Let's create a scenario...

Part of the agenda you came into this lifetime with was to be already know youself as forgiveness, but 'to be' forgiving is totally a different aspect.

In order to accomplish that, someone would have to join you on this journey and do something to you--something horrible and so unlike their true Self--affording you the opportunity to be that which you desired to experience.

Recognize this being as someone who, outside of the human realm, loves you sooo much, that they became incredibly dense with negativity just for you to accomplish a personal goal.

You now have quite the challenge before you...take their gift and have it become part of who you are here, thereby reflecting that great virtue to others, or don't...your free-will choice becons!!! The part of the challenge that is even grander--let this person know that you recognize him/her as such a gift-giver...bless them/thank them--wish them ';good journey';. You have then transformed a life in your own will have fulfilled your promise to them for having joined you.

There's a very true saying that changes the perspective of ';human'; nature to the realtiy of Nature--';I send you nothing but Angels';.

Good Journey!!!Give me advice on how to forgive someone,can you?
Well i recently learnt that for thirty days you must write a list of all the good qualities that persons has. Then you must look at the person in reference to the list. It may take sometime but eventually you will look at that person in a positive light.
If you can't get over something and they are important in your life,sometimes you have to just go around it so that you can put it behind you.Think of the good they bring to your life and it may over power what is bothering you!!
Forgiveness comes from the heart. So first you must forgive from your heart and do not hold grudges.

You could also give them a gift.

If they are deceased, pray for them and be kind and loving to their families.
1. Try putting yourself in their shoes.

2. You will feel better if you let it go and forgive them.

3. Maybe someday you will need forgiving.

Hope that helps
They need to work on regaining your trust. You have to work on putting yourself in their shoes. It's also about how sorry they really are and if you feel they will ever betray you again.
If someone has wronged you, wrong them back in a similar or ironic way. Forgiveness is for Jesus, but we should follow the Old Testament's example.
Depends on what they did. And who is there to say that you should forgive them anyway/

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