Thursday, July 29, 2010

Please give me am i going to pull this off?

ok, i am only 14 and i am going to bea freshman in highschool.

I know for a fact that i am going to go to colorado university. I LOVE boulder and the school sooo much and i have wanted to go there since i can remember.

my problem is that i am not a colorado resident and the tuition is ABOUT $50,000. My mom says that she can pay 15,000 a year and i have to pay the rest. I am planning on getting a job next summer when im 15. The other problem is that when i get my license i have to buy my car, insurance, and gas. So that will empty out my bank account. i also plan on getting a second job when i am 16 or 17

i am going to a respectable highschool with great acedemics. I am fairly smart but not like a super genius and i usually get a's and maybe one or two b's. i am also in a couple of advanced classes which will get me a few college credits.

So to go to CU i plan on trying to get an acedemic scholarship, nothing huge, but i know if i work REALLY hard i can get one, i will also probably have two jobs by 17, and i also plan on getting a student loan. i am EXTREMELY determined to make this happen

So PLEASE if you have any words of wisdom or advice please give me some suggestions! thanksPlease give me am i going to pull this off?
That's great that you're so determined. I wish you all the luck as you go through high school and go through the college admissions process. Just keep working and keep believing that you can do this, because if you believe that you can then you can accomplish anything. And don't ever give up, it may take a lot of work but in the end you'll be so proud of yourself.

Good luck! :)Please give me am i going to pull this off?
I would apply for any and every scholarship I can. You might be able to get a grant for college. Find out what colorado offers. My friend moved down to texas from Pennsylvania and she worked and lived with her grandparents for a year,and then she was able to enter college as a resident. By then you would have your license with an address established and a years worth of hopefully money saved. If you could get a family or friend to share rent,or sponsor you.Then you could save some money for college.But even if you get 10 jobs,you have to have time for college. Don't forget you can set up a college fund and take all your christmas and birthday monies and deposit them in that fund for that purpose. Ask the school what options they have for incoming freshman. Also sometimes being on the honor roll,all A's can get you a free semester.

Colleges let you pay semesters off. Or do like my niece,she opened a visa account and charged it all. But you have to pay that back for sure. Some college grants you don't have to pay back right away,as long as you continue your education.

your gonna be a freshman? you have 4 yrs. saving $100/mo for 4 years that gives you at least $4800. plus the $15000.your mother said.

That's almost $20,000.that's a big start. Don't work so hard you let your grades slid,that would be defeating the purpose.Good luck!
It definitely sounds like you are determined which is a wonderful thing. And you have basically mapped out a great plan.....Some other suggestions are looking up grants that you do not have to pay back. There are thousands of them out there that are just waiting for you. They really do exist you just have to do your research and go for it. This will help with the load. Apply to as many as you can.....I hope this helps
one thing i would suggest is to apply for every scholarship you can. there are literally thousands of them. some you may qualify for ,some you won't. try to start finding about them now so you know what you need to do to get them

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