Thursday, July 29, 2010

Need some friend to become closer?

I have this friend who I would like to become better friends with, not romantically but just closer. Here's the thing, I'd say we're good friends now as it stands but he had this friend who kind of treated him bad like she was bossy, demanding, and just always made herself way at home and took advantage. They're no longer friends but she ALWAYS comes up in conversation and its a little pathetic in my opinion that he talks so much trash now but I can tell he misses her. I on the other hand have never done anything bad to him and has always gone out of my way and I know I'm a great friend so why are we not closer? I sometimes consider acting more like this other girl when I'm around him and it also seems hes closer to friends who treat him badly. Its weird but what do you think I should do? Thanks and 10 points for best answer.Need some friend to become closer?
When someone loses a friend, they will be on their minds for a little while. I have recently lost friends within the past couple years, their names still come up when I talk to other friends. Sometimes I would say mean things about them. It made me think maybe it was something I did, I felt that way for a little while myself. Maybe he feels that way too.

Maybe he has never had a real friend that doesn't treat him badly so he keeps the relationships with them, in fear that he might not be able to find anyone to connect with. Have you talked to him about this other friend, and why he feels that way? Sharing with someone and having a meaningful conversation about a part of their life or how they feel will let each other know that someone does care.

Try spending a little more time together, shop, BBQ, play games together, participate in activities that you both enjoy, maybe he'll come around and realize he has a really good friend. Maybe a phone call might help, just to say hi and hope you have a good day. Little things can make someone feel a lot better. =)

Hope I helped.

Need some friend to become closer?
Sometimes people (especially immature people) look up to anyone who has rejected them. It seems like a challenge to them to get that type of person to like them. If you are nice to him, he's probably thinking less of you because of it. It's not your fault, he has to grow up more.

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