Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I really need so advice on how to word this?

Ok so How would you start off the conversation with your mom about dating. So my mom is really overprotective and thinks im too young! Im almost 15...ok

Dating to me is like only holding hands hugging and maybe kissing...Not going out every single night like when my mom was my age....It's not even like that anymore...I'm not looking for a serious relationship just have that special person to be there for me....and knowing that they care for me!I really need so advice on how to word this?
First, tell her that you'd like to have a serious conversation with her about something important to you, and then ask if this is a good time. If she is distracted or stressed, then schedule a time with her.

Ask her to keep an open mind and consider all the options before responding. Remind her that you are growing older, and therefore both the rules you follow and the responsibilities you bear will need to change.

Then ask that you work together to come up with some simple dating rules that can change as you grow older and prove your trustworthiness. It might help if you already have the rules worked out on paper and can make adjustments fromt here.

-No physical contact beyond kissing and hand-holding and hugging (vertically, not horizontally) until you are 16.

-Dates only on Friday and Saturday nights.

-Dates only in a group or with another couple; never alone with the boy.

-Inform your parents of your destination before you leave, and always home by 11pm (by midnight when you turn 16).

-Parents must be introduced to boy or talk with his parents.

-1st time you break the rules, you cannot date the next weekend; 2nd time, no dating for 2 weekends; etc.

The rules can lighten each year as you update the agreement. Keep in mind that ';almost 15'; is still 14, and you can't convince an adult otherwise. Don't give in to exaggerations (you never listen, you always do this, everyone does this, you don't understand at all). Stay calm and be willing to compromise.I really need so advice on how to word this?
Tell your mom that you love and respect her as a wise woman. Then ask her what she deems as approriate for a 15yr old in the terms of dating cause you think you would like to go out on a date night. Let her do the talking listen to her and then find your answer in what she says. Don't assum shes gonna say no, noway not until your 18, give her some credit.
Well, I'm a mom of a 15y/o boy, and it is usually me that starts off the conversations about dating, and it is something like this:

';You want to hang out with friends in a mixed group, that's fine - I drop you off at a specific place, and I pick you up from that place at a specific time. I trust you as much as any mother can trust a child, but I know that things can happen so why put yourself in that situation. You can start the official dating when you are 18.';

Okay, I'm not that rigid, really; but if he wanted to date, I think I would appreciate an approach that respected my old-fashioned values and considered my feelings and thoughts on the matter. So, something like, ';Mom, how do you feel about me going out on a date with........?'; would be a good start to opening up a conversation.

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